Financial Literacy Initiatives

Dans le cadre de la campagne REFLEXES, visant à promouvoir l’éducation financière à travers le pays, le ministère des Services financiers et de la bonne gouvernance, la Financial Services Commission (FSC) Mauritius, instance régulatrice du secteur financier non-bancaire et du ‘Global Business’, et le Financial Services Fund (FSF) ont le plaisir de lancer un concours d’art créatif.


The FSC Mauritius launched the Financial Literacy in Focus (FLiF), a new financial literacy initiative in January 2017. FLiF aims to propagate knowledge on financial literacy matters to the public at large to strengthen financial knowledge and thereby, the well-being of Mauritians and their families. FLiF will be published during the last weekend of each month in two newspapers of wide circulation. FLiF uses comic strips to convey financial literacy messages and updates the public on the FSC Mauritius ongoing financial literacy initiatives. FLiF also provides facts and figures of the Mauritian Non-Bank Financial sector.



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  • Investment